Product fulfillment update:
As of 3.11.25 - We have completed all UPS shipped orders (Posters and poster/paper combos/books) through 30,894 and USPS orders (Newspapers Only) through 30,745.
2024 - 2025 Michiganensian yearbooks, which will ship, or be available for pickup in late April / early May.
If you have yet to receive yours, we may be waiting on a response from you, or your order was returned to us due to a bad address. Any questions about your order, please email
Pick up orders through 30,890 have been packaged. Those who have been notified your order is awaiting pickup can pick up Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm, Lipsey Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
If you placed an order for pick up, you will be notified when your order is ready. You will be asked for a shipping address at the time you place your order, but not assessed a shipping charge.
If you placed an order to be shipped, please input your shipping address carefully. Any packages returned to us due to a bad address will incur additional shipping charges.
If you're looking to order between two and six Michigan Daily 11 x 17 posters (any combination), use this link to save on shipping.