Your 1/6 page ad with color photo measures 3.08” wide x 4.5” tall, with an image size of 2.58” wide x 2” tall. The ad includes one baby photo and a message of 25 – 30 words, plus signature (i.e. Love, Mom & Dad). If a signature is not provided, one will not be used in your ad. Single image photos only; no collage images will be accepted.
Image will be cropped to fit the image size listed above. Our design team will take care of cropping.
Please scan photo at a resolution setting of 300 dpi and a minimum file size of 1MB. JPG images preferred. Low resolution images from social media and small file size photos saved from your phone will not work. If you would like us to scan the photo for you, please contact us to make arrangements for doing so.
Note: No proofs will be provided for 1/6 page ads as they follow a specific format.
If you are not prepared to submit your photo at this time, you may either return to the store at a later date to make your purchase, or purchase your space now and send your photo to and reference the graduate’s name and your order number.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
And once you pay for your Baby Ad on this website, use this link to upload your message and photos:
⅙ Page Ad Form: